Niche targeting increases awareness for music therapists and garners hundreds of thousands of clicks
The Canadian Association of Music Therapists was faced with several internal and external challenges – from being able to articulate who they were, to being taken seriously as an accredited group of trained health professionals. Almost 700 strong across Canada, Music Therapists Accredited (MTAs) complete post-graduate education in music therapy and a 1000-hour supervised clinical internship. But, music therapy is often perceived as little more than playing memorable tunes on an iPod to make someone feel better.
CAMT needed to mobilize their members, tell their clients’ life changing stories and reach the people who needed music therapy the most – all in one month. To coincide with Music Therapy Awareness Month, Lashbrook developed a four-week integrated member engagement and digital content strategy, positioning MTAs as integral parts of health therapy for several conditions.
The campaign reached over 170,000 people in one month, increased website page views by 35.65% and inspired people to contact CAMT to find local music therapists.
Over 25,000 video views across
online platforms in one month
Over 90,000 people reached organically
on Facebook in one month

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